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Knowledge coming from experience is more important than knowledge coming from education alone.

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During hard times only your thoughts suffer, not your soul.

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There is always a limit to the sea, waves, wind, speech and food.
When the limit is exceeded nature turns stormy.

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Nature has been adulterated in recent times.
A time will come when drinking water has to be boiled five times before it is fit to be used for drinking.

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Destruction is on its way.
You will be followed by all evils.
Wealth and happines will not come to your help.
Only the dharma done by you will give you a helping hand and protect you from destruction.

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Only when you melt and hammer gold does it turn into a jewel.
Likewise, if you want to rise in your life you must experience hardships.

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For you to have the opportunity to get acquainted with Siddhar Adigalar, who is GOD moving amongst us,
is the result of the fruits of the poojas (prayers) you did in your previous birth.

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For every nine evil persons in the society there will be one good person.
It is for this one good person that there is rain for all (growth, productivity, prosperity and peace).

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When women participate in prayers there will be an abundance of precious metals
like gold and silver and prosperity in the country.

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Today's world is experiencing deceipt and falsehood.
Everyone is under the influence of bad things.
There is no distinction between the young and the old.
The world can support only what it can hold.
It will perish once deceipt takes over.

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There is equality and unity in nature.
Oceans depict these ethics.
Rising from the water, the water vapor travels to the atmosphere and falls down as rain
which ultimately flows into the water of the oceans.

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There is a close interlink between body, food, energy and death.
But the spirit has no connections with these.
The spirit is closely related to one's prayers and spiritualism.

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The medicinal benefit of Neem and Thulasi far exceeds that of any Allopathic drug.

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Women have an abundance of intuition.
It is therefore said that a woman has the strength of seven elephants.

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Each small particle in this world is of some use.
Even the waste matter when thrown on the ground decays and becomes a manure for the growing plants.

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Work, dharmam and love are the three qualities with which everyone should grow.
Society too should evolve with these qualities.
That is real growth.

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A small chisel can break down even a mighty mountain.
Little drops of water can swell a river and cause a flood.
A little sound can be broadcasted loudly.
Likewise, there is great potential even in your little service.

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Even a small ant very busily collects all the food it needs.
However, a lot of human beings these days have become lazy and want free food.

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You may wonder if the body exists for the sake of the soul or the soul exists for the sake of the body?
If you think the body is for the sake of soul then good things will happen.
If you think the soul is for the sake of the body then only evil things will happen.

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The Sun and Moon appear and disappear every day.
Since they are considered male characters they are not respected that much.
However, Mother Earth, water and such things have female character and are respected.

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The names of objects will vary from language to language.
The soul is not such a variable thing and is the same for all.
No language can change it.

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One who is below may go up.
One who is above will not like to come down.
As you accumulate wealth, love will not grow, but worries, enmity, and jealousy will grow.
These are dangerous things at any time.

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When women make mistakes, everyone talks about it.
When men commit mistakes you don't hear about it.
So be careful.
Women are like flowers.
Those flowers will survive to eventually become fruits which will not fall to be trampled.

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Don't strain your brain thinking about birth and death.
The so called death is only the act of getting a new body.
The life force never dies.

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The high life by itself is not necessarily the true life.
The hard life by itself is not necessarily the true life.
Having both in equal is the true life.

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Everyone is followed by their own shadow.
Likewise your fate will follow you.
You should understand that.

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Your shadow is watching you in the darkness even though you can't see it.
Every object has its shadow.
Only in the light can you see the shadow.
The divinity is watching you like the shadow.

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Between birth and death there are seven stages of mankind.
In all those seven they need to have spiritual awareness.

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